Sojourner Truth House (STH) has the largest food pantry in Lake County, Indiana, with an average of 767 families receiving food each month. Last year, 247,43pounds of food, or 206,192 meals according to USDA guidelines, were distributed to 8,559 households. But hunger and food insecurity are increasing in Northwest Indiana. In January 2023, the U.S. Census Bureau showed a six-percent increase in the number of Hoosier households that said they were going hungry, and 50 percent more said they relied on food banks and food pantries to stretch tight budgets.
In addition to helping feed our neighbors in Gary, Indiana, case management and support services are offered at the day center and affordable housing programs that partner with STH. Basic necessities like clothing, hygiene products, and transportation are provided, as well as childcare so moms can obtain the government identification needed to apply for a new job. Ultimately, families who arrive at STH currently staying in temporary shelters in Northwest Indiana receive assistance to move into stable housing. With their new apartment comes furniture, household appliances, cleaning supplies, and more, all because of generous supporters who make moving in a celebration in the next chapter of our clients’ lives.