Unlock hope: Taking steps to reduce hunger and homelessness.
You can help as we endeavor to meet the most basic needs of the disadvantaged and homeless individuals and families in the Gary and NWI area. AN average of 80 households visit our pantry each week. We are currently in desperate need of paper towels, quart and gallon size plastic storage bags, diapers size 4, 5, and 6.
Amanda is a survivor. She successfully overcame domestic violence and substance abuse and was filled with a compassionate vision to serve those struggling with similar situations. But that vision was sidelined by a series of unfortunate events—and the loss of her home. For a while, Amanda relied on the kind acts of others for shelter, but even that didn’t last.
One evening, while sleeping on a city bus, someone referred her to Lydia House, a local Gary shelter that serves single women experiencing homelessness. Lydia House sends clients to Sojourner Truth House for vital support services. Amanda diligently participated in STH classes that enabled her to refocus and find stability. Within a few months, Amanda had a job and her own apartment.
- Read more about Amanda's story here.