Imagine losing the comfort and security of your home, having no safe place to go, and feeling disoriented and isolated from society. That’s how many individuals and families at Sojourner Truth House feel. To give them a renewed sense of community—of belonging, of normalcy, with social networks that provide friendships, love, and hope—STH creates enrichment opportunities. These include holidays, outings and events designed to help women build “soft skills”—how to hold a conversation or interact in social situations—and to let moms and children have fun together to strengthen bonds that lead to healthier families.
Sojourner Truth House has the largest food pantry in Lake County, Indiana. Three days a week, an average of 80 households each day receive food. Last year, 229,122 pounds of food were distributed to 8,559 households. But hunger and food insecurity are increasing in northwest Indiana. In January 2023, the U.S. Census Bureau showed a six-percent increase in the number of Hoosier households that said they were going hungry, and 50 percent more said they relied on food banks and food pantries to stretch tight budgets.